ROMAGNOLI, Lucas Coscia ; SILVA, V.P. . About the use of semi-continuity to remove fireproof coatings in simply supported composite steel and concrete beams.. REVISTA IBRACON DE ESTRUTURAS E MATERIAIS, v. 11, p. 296-306, 2018.

download: 1018-7118-3-PB (1).pdf .The behavior under fire conditions of composite steel and concrete beams, not subjected to local buckling (compact steel profile), was studied considering the support rotational stiffness provided by the upper longitudinal slab reinforcement, usually present by means of anti-cracking meshes, and restriction of the steel profile’s lower flange, additional procedure required for development of the support bending moment resistance. Usually composite beams at room temperature are designed as simply supported and the semi-rigidity provided by this longitudinal reinforcement, if considered under fire conditions, may lead to a lower cost solution for fire protection of composite beams. The purpose of this study is to verify the viability of this proposal, using simplified design code methods.

1018-7118-3-PB (1).pdf

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LUBAS, Paulo Henrique ; SILVA, V. P. . A general method for designing non-symmetrical composite steel and concrete columns. REM - International Engineering Journal, v. 69, p. 273-279, 2016.

ABSTRACT The study of non-symmetrical composite columns is complex and European and North American standards only approach this issue superficially. In this text, a new proposal is presented for non-symmetrical composite column design subject to biaxial bending and axial compression, based on the compatibility of the deformation method, which considers the nonlinearity of the material with constitutive models according to Brazilian standards and geometric nonlinearity, as well as the equilibrium of the column in the displaced position. As a strategy for solving the general method, use is made of the "fiber element method", and for solving problems involving nonlinear equilibrium equations, the Newton-Raphson method.

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