CORREIA, António. J. P. M. ; RODRIGUES, João Paulo C ; SILVA, Valdir Pignatta . A simplified calculation method for temperature evaluation of steel columns embedded in walls. Fire and Materials, v. 35, p. 431-441, 2011.

Steel elements behave differently in fire case when isolated or embedded in building walls. The wallson one hand have a favorable effect protecting the elements from the excessive heating resulting fromthe fire and on the other hand they have a detrimental effect due to the thermal gradients originated inthe elements cross-section. The simplified calculation methods proposed in EN 1993-1-2 for fire designdo not take into account the case of steel elements embedded in walls, stipulating only a formulationfor the assessment of the resistance for uniform temperature distribution. This paper presents a proposalof a new simplified calculation method to evaluate the temperature of steel columns embedded in walls.The method is based on numerical simulations and fire resistance tests. Steel columns totally or partiallyembedded in walls, with the web perpendicular or parallel to the wall surface, were tested.In the study it was also observed that thicker walls or H steel columns with the web perpendicular tothe wall surface provide greater thermal gradients in the cross-sections.

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ALMEIDA, Saulo José Castro ; RIGOBELLO, Ronaldo ; MUNAIAR NETO, Jorge ; SILVA, Valdir Pignatta . Thermo-structural analysis of an open section cold formed steel beam in contact with a concrete slab and a masonry wall in fire situation. Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, v. 1, p. 29-42, 2010.

MOURÃO, Hellen Reis ; SILVA, Valdir Pignatta . On the behaviour of single-span steel beams under uniform heating. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), v. 29, p. 115-122, 2007.

SILVA, Valdir Pignatta. Estructuras de acero em situación de incendio (Colômbia). Materiales y Sistemas, v. 5, p. 22-40, 2007.

SILVA, Valdir Pignatta; Coelho Filho, Hamilton da Silva . Índice de segurança contra incêndio para edificações. Ambiente Construído (Online), v. 7, p. 103-121, 2007.

SILVA, Valdir Pignatta. Determination of the temperature of thermally unprotected steel members under fire situations. Considerations on the section factor. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures (Impresso), São Paulo, v. 3, p. 149-161, 2006.

SILVA, Valdir Pignatta. Estructuras de acero en situación de incendio (Chile). Acero Latinoamericano, Santiago do Chile, v. 1, n.495, p. 26-42, 2006.

COSTA, Carla Neves ; SILVA, Valdir Pignatta . Directions of the new Brazilian standard NBR15200:2004 for concrete structures design in fire conditions ? a comparative analysis to NBR6118:2003. Revista IBRACON de Estruturas, São Paulo, v. 2, n.1, p. 1-15, 2006.

SILVA, Valdir Pignatta. Determination of the steel fire protection material thickness by analytical process - A simple derivation. Engineering Structures, Reino Unido, v. 27, n.14, p. 2036-2043, 2005.

COSTA, Carla Neves ; STUCCHI, Fernando Rebouças ; SILVA, Valdir Pignatta . Nova Norma Brasileira de Estruturas de Concreto em Situação de Incêndio. Techne : Revista de Tecnologia da Construção (São Paulo), São Paulo, v. 99, p. 56-61, 2005.

SILVA, Valdir Pignatta; FAKURY, Ricardo Hallal ; RODRIGUES, Francisco Carlos ; COSTA, Carla Neves ; PANNONI, Fabio Domingos . Resistência ao fogo para estruturas. Determinação do tempo requerido de resistência ao fogo pelo Método do Tempo Equivalente: uma contribuição à revisão da NBR 14432:2000. Téchne. Revista de Tecnologia da Construção, São Paulo, v. 104, p. 58-62, 2005.

FAKURY, Ricardo Hallal ; RODRIGUES, Francisco Carlos ; PANNONI, Fabio Domingos ; SILVA, Valdir Pignatta ; CAMPOS, Alessandro de Souza ; VARGAS, Mauri Resende . Estudo do comportamento em incêndio real da estrutura de aço em perfis formados a frio de um edifício residencial. Construção Metálica, v. 72, p. 20-25, 2005.